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electrical engineering projects for diploma 2021 - Power Integrated

Power Intergrated is an Engineering Design Services Company. We currently focus on end to end IC Design Services for IoT, Mobile, NextGen Automobile & SMAC(Social,Mobile,Analytics,Cloud) technologies. We provide solutions to building System On Chips involving both Digital & Analog design.

  • Board design.

  • Sensor Integration.

  • Keil uVision.

  • Analyse and Code Verify.

  • Testing and Qualification

  • Embedded Software

  • Cloud based Automation

ABSTRACT: The aim of this project is to control the electrical appliances through a personal computer (PC). For example, theatre lighting can be centrally controlled form the PC for better stage management. power system projects for final year electrical engineering 2021 Presently, they are manually managed which makes it difficult to coordinate the lighting with the respective scene. With this system, one can control the electrical appliances ON/OFF by just being seated at one place using a PC. This system is integrated with the electrical loads and also connected to the PC where centralized control takes place. It uses an RS-232 protocol from the microcontroller to communicate with the PC. To turn on/off the appliances, we use Hyper Terminal on PC. Once the connection is established with the PC, then the system starts working. The microcontroller used in this project belongs to 8051 family. This project can be further enhanced by implementing a GUI based control panel on the PC with appropriate embedded software. The intensity control can also be incorporated using power electronics devices. power electronics projects for final year electrical engineering 2021 Note: The project works only on operating systems having hyper terminal (E.g. Windows XP). The computer must have a RS232 serial port.

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