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Among the processes for making final products using fibers, the final process can be called a sewing process. The sewing process generally corresponds to the process that requires the most manpower in the production of textile products. The cost of sewing has gradually increased due to the recent rise in labor costs. The automation of the sewing process and the smart factory are expected to be carried out along with the fourth industrial revolution. In order to make the sewing factories smart, it is essential to apply smart sensing technology to the sewing machines. Mechanical Sewing Machine Repair Center in Chennai Also, sewing Process In order to grasp real-time situation, a system to monitor the status of each machine is needed. This study can be regarded as a part of technology development for automation and unmanned sewing process for final CPS(cyber-physical system) implementation. Three techniques have been developed in the sewing machine modification technology to assist the smarting and sewing process of the sewing machine. Three kinds of developed technology are a bobbin remaining amount detecting technique, stitch length control, and monitoring techniques. As a result of step-by-step technology development to realize CPS finally, it is a partial technology development of automation through some modification of sewing machine. The developed technology is expected to be used as a technology for future smart sewing automation plant construction.
Stitch formation is described by the thread pulling forces and thread consumptions. Fig. 3 shows the set-up of the sensors. Thread forces are sensed by semiconductor strain gages applied to the base of a metallic beam. To measure thread consumption,
digital encoders have been equipped with wheels where the sewing threads are wound. The pulses produced by the passing thread are then counted during seam formation.Juki Sewing Machine Repair Service Center in Chennai
The software, developed in the LabView programming environment, is the most important component of the system. It provides extensive functionalities to support the study of the sewing variables