If you are keen on studying abroad, remember that numerous colleges worldwide and all colleges and schools in the UK acknowledge IELTS test results. Few colleges go about as nearby specialists for the British Council, guaranteeing the association and conveyance of the IELTS assessments. In the event that you are thinking about an undergrad or postgraduate certificate program, you should take the Academic IELTS test. Discover your university or college and check the rendition of IELTS that is ideal for you. As a future global student, you should show that you are qualified and can effectively finish a degree program educated in English. You will in this way need higher IELTS scores to take on postgraduate education projects, for example, Masters or PhDs are. ECS IELTS is accountable for giving appropriate direction and bearing to students that they can practice creating incredible English language abilities.
Giving proof of your language skills is a significant advance in acquiring a visa so you can work abroad. Language skills are critical to career achievement and are viewed as a significant resource in addition to the wide range of various necessities of any work. In the event that you are a work visa candidate, you should accomplish English language abilities, which means you should be ready for more than fundamental conversational English. Based on the nations, you should take into thought that base score prerequisites depending upon your picked occupation. For certain occupations, candidates should accomplish at least 6 in every one of the testing modules, though for teaching professionals a base score of 7 is required.
Always take five minutes to first plan your answer before you start writing, and five minutes in the end to review for any mistakes.
In your essay, keep the last paragraph for a valid conclusion of all the points you’ve made in the answer.
Do not confuse between singular and plural nouns. Always double check your answers for this common mistake.
Remember, spellings are everything. Standard American, British and Australian spellings are all acceptable in IELTS.
There are three parts in a Speaking Test:
Part 1: (4–5 minutes)Introduction and interview. The IELTS examiner will introduce him/herself and will ask you to also introduce yourself, besides confirming your identity. The examiner will ask you generic questions on topics like family, studies, work, and your interests.
Part 2: (3–4 minutes)Individual long turn. The examiner will give you a task card with a topic written on it, with some points you may cover in your speech. You will have one minute to think and prepare upon the topic; a paper and pencilwill be provided to jot down your notes. Once done ideating, you will have a time of one to two minutes to speak on the subject followed by some questions on the same by the examiner.
Part 3: (4–5 minutes)Two-way discussion. The examiner will ask more questions related to the topic provided in Part 2 of the Speaking test. You can use this opportunity to talk about more ideas.