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Sewing Machine Showroom in St Thomas Mount - VS SewingMachine


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The speed of the new product development in sewing machine industry is slow. Due to the influence of the general situation of sewing industry, time and funds, combined with the uncertainty of the development result, the enterprises find hard to make decision on how and when to develop their new products or improve old ones, though they have eager and strong desire. To meet the very demands, the article introduces the QFD, sets up the house of quality, and ensures the best group of the improvement measures and contribution under the restriction of the cost Sewing Machine Showroom in Taramani

He smart factory is a futuristic production paradigm that transforms ICT(Information and communication technology) into a new smart/green/urban production system by integrating the existing traditional industrial production system.Industry 4.0 proposed by DFKI, is defined as the 4th industrial revolution based on Internet-of-Things(IoT), cyber-physical systems(CPS), and Internet-of-Services(IoS). In the textile industry, the smart factory is a factory based on the CPS that incorporates ICT and IoT technology into the existing production system. In order to build a smart factory between textile and apparel streams, the connectivity of the CPS should be strengthened.

This study focuses on the construction of a CPS system to realize a smart factory by deriving three representative

processes (fabric, dyeing, sewing) among textile streams. Figure 1 shows the data flow of CPS based inter-stream smart manufacturing system. The rectangle marked with read lines represents the part for detecting and controlling the sewer data for the smart of the sewing process which is the core of this research. Sewing Machine Showroom in Thoraipakkam

Textile stream smart factory CPS implementation can only be done by linking together the ordering system, design automation system, product information management system, production information integration system and production equipment automation.[6] Fig. 2 shows the interlinkage of high-throughput, high-productivity production systems that minimize plant-to-plant collaboration and prototype production to accommodate small-volume and multi-stream requirements between streams, and can be instantly produced on demand.

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