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Singer Sewing Machine Repair Center in Chennai - VS Sewing Machine


VS Sewing Machine, Sewing Machine showroom in Chennai offers you with the Top selling brands along with all its Sewing Machines models in the Industry. You can get the recommendations over here with the industry experts. Also we serves you best Pre-Selling as well as the Post Selling Services.

When the tension of your sewing machine is off, everything is off. Like your temper. Your stitching is not at all what is should be, the thread bunches up on the bottom of the fabric, and all the troubles you always had nightmares about ensues.

Maybe the timing of your machine is off or the bobbin case may have unseated itself.

Timing of a machine is something you cannot repair unless you are a mechanic.

But before giving up hope, change the bobbin to a new one and see if it helps. Try to repair or replace the bobbin case. Singer Sewing Machine Repair Center in Chennai

Most of the time, broken thread stuck between the tension disc can cause these problems. Open the plastic part to get access to the area. Do the cleaning when the presser foot lever is up.

You can clean in between the tension discs with a thin sheet of paper. You can blow air with an air compressor to get whatever is caught in between.

Rethread the machine; Ensure that when you thread the machine the pressure foot lever is still up – This is necessary for the proper insertion of thread through the tension discs.

Change the tension and see if everything is working.

Sew on a spare fabric continuously changing the stitches and stitch length width etc. This may dislodge if there is still something stuck inside. HSW Sewing Machine price in Chennai

If something is broken inside the tension dial, I would not repair it myself on my machine. The tension unit will have to be replaced at a repair shop.

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